For parents of incoming Kindergarten students for 2024-2025, please fill out and return this file to the main office by March 15, so we can start to plan for the number of students that will be enrolled next year. Your child has to be 5 years old by October 1, 2024.
Each Tuesday, we will host a tutorial session from 8:00-8:30. All staff members will be accessible. You can sign up by clicking the Tutorial Sign-Up button under Shortcuts (on the left side of the homepage) and reserving a spot, or you might receive a notice from your child’s teacher. Once you have signed up for a session, the students are expected to stay until the 8:30 bell rings.
Clinton Public School State and Standardized Assessments, click here
Please visit the PTO page to find out what is new with the PTO. https://www.cpsnj.org/pto
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Features & Required Info
Resource Directory Services To Assist Families
Jenine Kastner, Anti-Bullying Coordinator (jkastner@cpsnj.org)
Angela McVerry, Anti-Bullying Specialist (amcverry@cpsnj.org
The District grade under the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act is a 76 out of 78. For the full report, click the title above.

Hunterdon County Safe Schools
Hunterdon, New Jersey, United States
link for website to report an incident
Call 911 if this is an emergency or a crime in progress.