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Gifted and Talented Program Goals

The program's goals are focused in the following areas:
1.  Student Identification - process and student
  • To identify outstanding intellectual potential in students and to nurture the academic, creative, artistic, and social/emotional needs of gifted, talented and creative children.
  • To implement an ongoing identification process of screening and selecting students based on multiple and specific criteria (both qualitative and quantitative).
2.  Curriculum Development
  • To offer a continuum of services designed to challenge academically gifted and talented students through rigorous curriculum with a focus on developing higher order, critical thinking skills and problem solving as well as leadership and communication skills.
  • To develop and implement a variety of differentiated and substantive learning opportunities providing exploration of in-depth content to generate complex products appropriate to their giftedness.
3.  District Support
  • To support the district's commitment to this program by providing educators with appropriate staff development and resources to meet the needs of academically talented students.
4.  Program Evaluation
  • To analyze the effectiveness of the gifted and talented program through ongoing evaluation for the purpose of continued improvement, development and refinement.