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SCRIP Monthly Orders Due

Order your SCRIP gift cards every month!  Place your order by the following dates in order to receive them about a week after the order deadline.  Think about upcoming holidays, birthdays or shopping that you may be planning.  Order gift cards now as you plan for a vacation or that home remodeling project!
Make checks payable to CPS PIE and leave in the CPS PIE Mailbox in the Main Office, or order online at
Order deadlines:
Wednesday, September 12 (order for Back to School, birthdays, anniversaries, just because)
Wednesday, October 10 (order for Halloween)
Wednesday, November 14 (order for Hanukkah, Holiday Outreach)
Wednesday, December 12 (order for Christmas)
Wednesday, January 16
Wednesday, February 13 (order for just because it's winter and you want to go shopping!)
Wednesday, March 13
Wednesday, April 10 (order for Easter, Teacher Appreciation, Mother's Day)
Wednesday, May 15 (order for Father's Day, summer vacations, birthdays, anniversaries)