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Clinton Glen Gardner School District



Special Education Parent Advisory Group
SEPAG’s Mission: The mission of the Clinton Glen Gardner School District SEPAG is to facilitate collaboration among students, parents, staff, the Board of Education, and the community in order to promote inclusion and understanding of, respect for, and support of all children with special needs in our community.


SEPAG’s Role:
  • To provide direct input on the opportunities that affect services and support for students with disabilities.
  • To increase the involvement of families of children with special needs in school activities.
  • To advise on issues that affect the education, health, and safety of students with special needs.
Who should attend a SEPAG meeting?
Parents and guardians in the district with a student or students with disabilities. 
What happens at a SEPAG meeting?
Concerns related to a group of students are shared and discussed. District representatives provide updates related to special services in the school district and at the state and national levels.

SEPAG Parent Event

SEPAG Parent Event