New Jersey Student Learning Standards
Revised every five years, the standards provide local school districts with clear and specific benchmarks for student achievement in nine content areas. Developed and reviewed by panels of teachers, administrators, parents, students, and representatives from higher education, business, and the community, the standards are influenced by national standards, research-based practice, and student needs. The standards define a "Thorough and Efficient Education" as guaranteed in 1875 by the New Jersey Constitution. Currently the standards are designed to prepare our students for college and careers by emphasizing high-level skills needed for tomorrow's world.
The New Jersey Student Learning Standards include Preschool Teaching and Learning Standards, as well as nine K-12 standards for the following content areas:
21st Century Life and Careers
Comprehensive Health and Physical Education
English Language Arts
Social Studies
Visual and Performing Arts
World Languages
The most recent review and revision of the standards occurred in 2014. However, the standards in language arts and math underwent an additional review in 2015 with adoption by the New Jersey State Board of Education in May 2016.