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Strategic Planning 2021

Strategic Planning: Reviewing our Path and Charting our Course

Please click here to take our 2016 Srategic Planning Survey

The Clinton Glen-Gardner Board of education is engaging in an exciting project to identify, articulate and plan for the future of our most valuable resource; Clinton Public School Students. We endeavor, through a Strategic Planning Process, to build upon our long history of excellence and chart the path for our future. We need your help.

The strategic planning process will engage two distinct groups: A Planning Team of approximately 25 persons representing our constituents, e.g. staff, community and students and six to eight smaller Action Teams with similar composition.

The Planning Team will meet for one evening and two consecutive days in early March to identify the Core Values, Mission, Objectives and Strategies of the Clinton Public School Strategic Plan. These components will guide the work of the Action Teams. The Action Teams will meet at mutually agreed upon times in April and May 2016 . Their charge will be to research and select specific projects and programs, that will guide us toward achieving our mission and objectives over the next five years.

 Please click here to sign up to assist with our 2016 Strategic Planning Initiative
