A cafeteria is maintained at our school to provide the students a comfortable atmosphere to purchase and eat their lunches. The school will distribute a monthly lunch menu in the school’s “Dear Parents”newsletter and a weekly menu in the “CPS Happenings” notice. Food prices will be established on a yearly basis and are subject to revision throughout the school year. Students are expected to be courteous to staff and each other at all times. Students who misbehave at lunch may be denied cafeteria privileges. School rules for the cafeteria are as follows:
1. Walk at ALL times.
2. Pay as you go through the lunch line.
3. Remain seated during the lunch period.
4. Remain in the cafeteria. Ask permission of the teachers on duty to leave.
5. Speak softly.
6. Clean your area before leaving.
7. No glass bottles may be brought in to the cafeteria for safety reasons.
2. Pay as you go through the lunch line.
3. Remain seated during the lunch period.
4. Remain in the cafeteria. Ask permission of the teachers on duty to leave.
5. Speak softly.
6. Clean your area before leaving.
7. No glass bottles may be brought in to the cafeteria for safety reasons.
Lunch and Milk Program-Board Policy No. 8540
Clinton Public School participates in the National School Lunch and Milk Program. In September, applications for free or reduced lunch and milk will be distributed to each child. If a family meets the requirements for the program, Realtime will be updated with their final cost of lunches.
Please read the Welcome Letter
Please read this information that explains the new regulations and how Maschio's is meeting them attached.
Please click here to read more about the Clinton Glen Gardner Board of Education Wellness Policy. Click here to view our Wellness Policy Evaluation. Any community member wishing to be a part of the Wellness Committee, please contact the school.
Please click here to read more about the lunch Offer vs. Serve Policy.
Please click here to read more about the breakfast Offer vs. Serve Policy.
Please click here to view the Cafeteria Charge Policy.
Please click here to download information about the Summer Feeding Programs.
Click here to read some summer feeding promotional fliers.
Click here to view the Civil Rights Anti -Discrimination statement
Click here to veiw a notice about the expansion of the free and reduced lunch program
Please click here to view the Price List
Please click here to view the Cafeteria Connection
Please click here to find instructions to setting up an account for PaySchools for lunch money
New online menus can be found here: