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8th Grade High School Scheduling Information

   8th Grade Scheduling Information

   Voorhees High School

Registration forms will be emailed to parents in October.  Completed forms are due to Mrs. McVerry on or before 11/1/23.
*If you are unsure which high school your child will attend, please make your best guess on the registration form and if you change your mind the high school informed me that the change will NOT be a problem.

The Parent Orientation Program will be held on 1/4/24 at 6:30pm in the VHS Theater. 

Hunterdon County Vocational School District applications for the Computer Science Program, Environmental Sustainability and Engineering Program, the full time Animal Science program and the Biomedical Program are due 12/15/23.  Applications are now available on the Hunterdon County Vocational School District website.

Parents and students can learn more about the programs by attending their information sessions.

Course Selection Guide will become available in January, on the Vorhees HS website .

Students registered with Voorhees will attend a 1/2 day Orientation on 1/3/24. 

Completed Course Request Forms are due to Mrs. McVerry on _______.

High School Guidance Counselors will be reviewing the 8th graders' Course Request Forms.  Appointments are available on 1/29/24-2/9/24  Parents should contact Voorhees Guidance Department to schedule a 15 minute appointment to review your son/daughter's course selections.   Call 908-638-2130. 


nh lion

North Hunterdon High School

Registration forms will be emailed to parents in October.   Completed forms are due to Mrs. McVerry on or before 11/1/23. 
*If you are unsure which high school your child will attend, please make your best guess on the registration form and if you change your mind the high schools informed me that the change will NOT be a problem.
The Parent Orientation Program will be held on 1/10/24 at 6:30pm in the Theater. 
Hunterdon County Vocational School District applications for the Computer Science Program,  Environmental Sustainability and Engineering Program, the full time Animal Science program and the Biomedical program are due 12/15/23.  Applications are now available on the Hunterdon County Vocational School District website. 
Parents and students can learn more about the programs by attending their information sessions.
Course Selection Guide will become available in January, on North Hunterdon High School website.
Students registered with North Hunterdon will attend a 1/2 day Orientation 1/10/24. 
Completed Course Selection Forms are due to Mrs. McVerry on ____
High School Guidance Counselors will be reviewing the 8th graders' Course Request Forms.  Appointments are available on 2/1/24-2/9/24.  Parents should contact the North Hunterdon Guidance Department to schedule a 15 minute appointment to review your son/daughter's course selections. 908-713-4130

Important Documents:

English Placement Rubric 
Clinton Public 8th graders have the choice of attending either North Hunterdon High School or Voorhees High School.  Please begin discussing this choice as time moves fast.  Before you know it, we will be filling out high school registration forms...this usually takes place end of October/early November.  Between September and January, the 8th graders will be introduced to the scheduling process, including course options for freshman year.  As scheduling information becomes available from each high school, it will be passed along to the students and parents, including website updates.  If you would like to schedule an appointment to discuss high school scheduling, please feel free to contact me at or call 735-8512, ext. 251.
Angela McVerry
CPS School Counselor

735-8512, ext. 251