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Health Services

Nurse’s Office and Student Health

CPS Health Office
Jessica Storey, RN, BSN, CSN
Email Address:
Address: 10 School Street, Clinton, NJ 08809
Phone Number: (908) 735-8512 Ext 500
Fax Number: (908) 730-7468


Overview of Health Office Services

The purpose of the school health program is to maintain, improve and promote the health of the school-age child. Parents should feel free to contact the school nurse about health concerns regarding their children.

If your child is ill, please have him/her stay home. Please notify the school nurse if your child develops any contagious illnesses or conditions, such as, flu, COVID-19, chicken pox, head lice, impetigo, pink eye, scarlet fever, strep throat, etc. Children may return to school 24 hours after their last episode of vomiting and/or diarrhea. For a fever of 100.0 or more, please allow 24 hours before returning to school to make sure your child is fever-free without fever-reducing medication. If an antibiotic has been prescribed for a strep infection or pink eye, your child may return to school after he/she has been on the prescribed medication for 24 hours. 

Illnesses occurring or developing during the school day will be evaluated by the school nurse and the student will either be sent home or allowed to rest in the Health Office. If your child needs to be sent home, a parent/guardian will be notified. Emergency information should be kept current, so you can be reached in the event of an emergency.

To promote a healthy lifestyle, children should be dressed appropriately for the season and specific weather. It is important that your child gets a good night's sleep and eats a nutritious breakfast every day before coming to school.

Height, weight, and blood pressure screenings are performed yearly on each student. Vision screenings are performed every other year. Students are screened in PreK through 2nd and then four, six, and eight. Hearing screenings are performed annually for students in PreK through grade three and then 7th. If a student has difficulty with the initial screening, the student will be re-evaluated. If there is a problem after the second screening, a referral will be sent home requesting an examination and evaluation by a physician. If, at any time, you suspect a problem with your child’s vision or hearing and would like to have your child tested, please contact the school nurse and the testing will be performed.

Scoliosis screening is performed every other year on students that are 10 years of age and older. Students in grades 5 and 7 are checked. If there is any deviation from the norm, a referral is sent home requesting an examination and evaluation by a physician.