Food Allergy Letter
Dear Parents,
We are writing to remind you that there are students in every grade level at Clinton Public School who have allergies to nuts and nut-‐products. This includes almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, hazelnuts, peanuts, pecans, pine nuts, sesame seeds and walnuts. Strict avoidance of all nut products is the only way to prevent life-‐threatening allergic reactions. Even touching a small amount of a product or accidental ingestion of a food containing nuts could result in a life-‐threatening situation.
To keep children with nut allergies safe all classrooms and common areas at Clinton Public School are nut-‐free. Common areas include the art room, computer room, gym, hallways and library. Nuts and nut products are allowed in the cafeteria where nut-‐free tables are available for studens with nut alergies. Any student may sit at the nut-‐free table as long as they have a nut-‐free lunch.
Notify your child’s teacher if you are planning a special celebration for your child in the classroom in grade PK-4 as we do not have classroom birthday celebrations in grades 5-8. We suggest planning a classroom treat that can be enjoyed by all the children in the class, including those with food allergies. Consider designing a fun activity for the class, donating a book or game or providing an alternative to food such as stickers, pencils, themed erasers or other trinkets or school supplies. Your child’s teacher will be happy to provide suggestions to you.
We appreciate your support and cooperation. We believe all families understand a parent’s concern and worries about safety and that you will join us in ensuring that our school is a safe learning environment for all children. If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us.
Thank you for your cooperation,
Dr. Seth Cohen