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Speech and Language

Speech-language disorders are disorders of articulation/phonology, language, fluency, or voice. Speech-language disorders can be secondary to many neurological, cognitive, and genetic disorders such as cerebral palsy, hearing impairment, trisomy 21 (Down’s Syndrome), autism, and cleft lip/palate. Speech-language delays may also be present with no known origin.  Students in preschool (ages three to five) through grade eight who have delays in any of these areas which affect communication may experience academic and social difficulties therefore having an adverse impact on the student's education.  Clinton Public School students who meet eligibility requirements for the New Jersey Administrative Code for Special Education (N.J.A.C.6A:14) receive speech-language services.  

The Town of Clinton Board of Education strongly supports the Speech-Language department at Clinton Public School.  A wide range of services, materials and assessment tools are available to students with communication disorders.               


The role of the speech and language specialist (SLS) in schools is multi-faceted. Specific responsibilities depend on the nature and size of the student population being served as well as the educational setting in which the services occur.  The following is a list of the key responsibilities of the speech-language specialist in the school setting.

  • Direct Service Provider
  • Evaluator
  • Consultant
  • Child Study Team Member
  • Case Manager
The Clinton-Glen Gardner Board of Education approved the updated Speech-Language Curriculum in May, 2012.  The curriculum is now aligned with the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards.

Amanda Thomas
735-8512 ext. 215 voicemail 115

Nicole Vazquez
735-8512 ext. 215 voicemail 177
The Speech-Language room is located in #15 (across from the nurse's office)
Useful Link: (sign language website)